[RTC] Mapper_MRPT




Mapper RTC using MRPT (Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit)


RT-component for SLAM (Simaltaneously Localization and Mapping) algorithm using MRPT (Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit). If you want to know about MRPT, see http://mrpt.org This RT-Component supports only 3 patterns of ICP SLAM. (Actually MRPT supports other types of SLAM). Use with NavigationManager, and Mobile Robot which has common interface for mobile robot. To build this component, please install mrpt-1.3.0. In windows, binary installing is recommended. Please see official website of mrpt.









[‘win’, ‘ubuntu’]

Data In Ports

Name Type Unit Description
range RTC::RangeData Input for Ranger Data (LiDAR sensors.)
odometry RTC::TimedPose2D Input for odometry of mobile robot.

Data Out Ports

Name Type Unit Description
estimatedPose RTC::TimedPose2D meter, rad Estimated pose of robot with SLAM algorithm (ICP)

Service Ports


This port provides the services for Mapper. Please see MobileRobot.idl to know more about the interface. Ths port provides OGMapper service.

Name Direction Type Description
OGMapper Provided RTC::OGMapper This port provides the services for Mapper. Please see MobileRobot.idl to know more about the interface. Ths port provides OGMapper service.


Name Type Default Unit Description
debug int 0 For Debug, set 1 to get verbosity output on console.
start_map_update_in_activated string false If true,
ICP_algorithm string icpClassic Select algorithm of ICP mapping. icpClassic, icpLevenbergMarquardt, icpIKF
ICP_onlyClosestCorrespondences string true The usual approach: to consider only the closest correspondence for each local point (Default to true)
ICP_onlyUniqueRobust string false Apart of “onlyClosestCorrespondences=true”, if this option is enabled only the closest correspondence for each reference point will be kept (default=false).
ICP_maxIterations unsigned int 80 Maximum number of iterations to run.
ICP_minAbsStep_trans float 0.000001 If the correction in all translation coordinates (X,Y,Z) is below this threshold (in meters), iterations are terminated (Default:1e-6)
ICP_minAbsStep_rot float 0.000001 If the correction in all rotation coordinates (yaw,pitch,roll) is below this threshold (in radians), iterations are terminated (Default:1e-6)
ICP_thresholdDist float 0.2 Initial threshold distance for two points to become a correspondence.
ICP_thresholdAng float 0.1745 Initial threshold distance for two points to become a correspondence.
ICP_ALFA float 0.8 The scale factor for threshold everytime convergence is achieved.
ICP_smallestThresholdDist float 0.05 The size for threshold such that iterations will stop, since it is considered precise enough.
ICP_covariance_varPoints float 0.0004 This is the normalization constant \sigma^2_p that is used to scale the whole 3×3 covariance. This has a default value of (0.02)^2 , that is, a 2cm sigma.
ICP_doRANSAC string false Perform a RANSAC step after the ICP convergence, to obtain a better estimation of the pose PDF.
ICP_ransac_nSimulations unsigned int 100 RANSAC-step options
ICP_ransac_minSetSize unsigned int 5 RANSAC-step options
ICP_ransac_maxSetSize unsigned int 20 RANSAC-step options
ICP_ransac_mahalanobisDistanceThreshold float 3.0 RANSAC-step options
ICP_ransac_normalizationStd float 0.2 RANSAC-step option: The standard deviation in X,Y of landmarks/points which are being matched (used to compute covariances in the SoG)
ICP_ransac_fuseByCorrsMatch string false RANSAC-step option: The standard deviation in X,Y of landmarks/points which are being matched (used to compute covariances in the SoG)
ICP_ransac_fuseMaxDiffXY float 0.01 RANSAC-step option: The standard deviation in X,Y of landmarks/points which are being matched (used to compute covariances in the SoG)
ICP_ransac_fuseMaxDiffPhi float 0.001745 RANSAC-step option: The standard deviation in X,Y of landmarks/points which are being matched (used to compute covariances in the SoG)
ICP_kernel_rho float 0.07 Cauchy kernel rho, for estimating the optimal transformation covariance, in meters (default = 0.07m).
ICP_use_kernel string true Whether to use kernel_rho to smooth distances, or use distances directly (default=true)
ICP_Axy_aprox_derivatives float 0.05 The size of the perturbance in x & y used to estimate the Jacobians of the square error (in LM & IKF methods, default=0.05).
ICP_LM_initial_lambda float 0.0001 The initial value of the lambda parameter in the LM method (default=1e-4).
ICP_skip_cov_calculation string false Skip the computation of the covariance (saves some time) (default=false)
ICP_skip_quality_calculation string true Skip the (sometimes) expensive evaluation of the term ‘quality’ at ICP output (Default=true)
ICP_corresponding_points_decimation unsigned int 5 Decimation of the point cloud being registered against the reference one (default=5) – set to 1 to have the older (MRPT <0.9.5) behavior of not approximating ICP by ignoring the correspondence of some points. The speed-up comes from a decimation of the number of KD-tree queries, the most expensive step in ICP.
ICP_matchAgainstTheGrid string 0 (default:false) Match against the occupancy grid or the points map? The former is quicker but less precise.
ICP_insertionLinDistance double 0.5 meter Minimum robot linear (m) displacement for a new observation to be inserted in the map.
ICP_insertionAngDistance double 0.8 rad Minimum robot angular (rad, deg when loaded from the .ini) displacement for a new observation to be inserted in the map.
ICP_localizationLinDistance double 0.5 meter Minimum robot linear (m) displacement for a new observation to be used to do ICP-based localization (otherwise, dead-reckon with odometry).
ICP_localizationAngDistance double 0.8 rad Minimum robot angular (rad, deg when loaded from the .ini) displacement for a new observation to be used to do ICP-based localization (otherwise, dead-reckon with odometry).
ICP_minICPgoodnessToAccept float 0.40 Minimum ICP goodness (0,1) to accept the resulting corrected position (default: 0.40)
MAP_min_x float -10.0 Initial size of Occupancy Grid Map
MAP_max_x float 10.0 meter Initial size of Occupancy Grid Map
MAP_min_y float -10.0 meter Initial size of Occupancy Grid Map
MAP_max_y float 10.0 meter Initial size of Occupancy Grid Map
MAP_resolution float 0.05 meter Resolution of Grid Map. Length of the grid
MAP_insertion_mapAltitude float 0.0 meter The altitude (z-axis) of 2D scans (within a 0.01m tolerance) for they to be inserted in this map!
MAP_insertion_useMapAltitude string false The parameter “mapAltitude” has effect while inserting observations in the grid only if this is true.
MAP_insertion_maxDistanceInsertion float 15 The largest distance at which cells will be updated (Default 15 meters)
MAP_insertion_maxOccupancyUpdateCertainty float 0.55 A value in the range [0.5,1] used for updating cell with a bayesian approach (default 0.8)
MAP_insertion_considerInvalidRangesAsFreeSpace string true If set to true (default), invalid range values (no echo rays) as consider as free space until “maxOccupancyUpdateCertainty”, but ONLY when the previous and next rays are also an invalid ray.
MAP_insertion_decimation unsigned short int 1 Specify the decimation of the range scan (default=1 : take all the range values!)
MAP_insertion_horizontalTolerance float 0 The tolerance in rads in pitch & roll for a laser scan to be considered horizontal, then processed by calls to this class (default=0).
MAP_insertion_CFD_features_gaussian_size float 1 Gaussian sigma of the filter used in getAsImageFiltered (for features detection) (Default=1) (0:Disabled)
MAP_insertion_CFD_features_median_size float 3 Size of the Median filter used in getAsImageFiltered (for features detection) (Default=3) (0:Disabled)
MAP_insertion_wideningBeamsWithDistance string false Enabled: Rays widen with distance to approximate the real behavior of lasers, disabled: insert rays as simple lines (Default=false)
initial_pose_x double 0.0 Initial Pose of Robot
initial_pose_y double 0.0 meter Initial Pose of Robot
initial_pose_phi double 0.0 rad Initial Pose of Robot

How To Build


$ git clone https://github.com/sugarsweetrobotics/Mapper_MRPT.git $ cd Mapper_MRPT $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake ../ $ make


Download ZIP file from the website, and use CMake to generate VC2010 project. Then, open the project and build it.

How To Build in wasanbon

  $ wasanbon-admin.py package create Mapper_MRPT_test_project # You can also use other preinstalled package 
  $ wasanbon-cd Mapper_MRPT_test_project
  $ ./mgr.py repository clone Mapper_MRPT
  $ ./mgr.py rtc build Mapper_MRPT
  $ ./mgr.py rtc run Mapper_MRPT # To Run RTC

Profile Status

Not available

Build Status

Build in Windows

Success (2015-01-23 10:25:21.799000)

Build in OSX

Not available

Build in Linux

Failed (2015-01-22 20:35:05.493615)


Sugar Sweet Robotics