[RTC] Localization_MRPT




Localization MRPT Component


Localization RT-component using Monte Carlo Localization. This RT-component uses MRPT. See http://mrpt.org. To build this RT-component, install mrpt-1.2.0.









[‘win’, ‘ubuntu’]

Data In Ports

Name Type Unit Description
range RTC::RangeData Range Sensor Data (usually, LiDAR)
odometry RTC::TimedPose2D Robot position. Usually, estimated with encoders.

Data Out Ports

Name Type Unit Description
estimatedPose RTC::TimedPose2D Estimated pose output.

Service Ports


Name Direction Type Description
mapServer Required RTC::OGMapServer Map Server Interface


Name Type Default Unit Description
initial_pose_x string 0 meter Initial pose of robot
initial_pose_y float 0 meter Initial pose of robot
initial_pose_phi float 0 Initial pose of robot
initial_particle_min_x float -0.3 meter minimum value range of initial particle position (This is added to initial position)
initial_particle_max_x float 0.3 meter maximum value range of initial particle position (This is added to initial position)
initial_particle_min_y float -0.3 meter minimum value range of initial particle position (This is added to initial position)
initial_particle_max_y float 0.3 meter maximum value range of initial particle position (This is added to initial position)
initial_particle_min_phi float -0.3 minimum value range of initial particle position (This is added to initial position)
initial_particle_max_phi float 0.3 radian maximum value range of initial particle position (This is added to initial position)
initial_particle_count string 1000 Initial particle count
poseTimeOut float 3.0 Timeout threshold [sec] of odometry port.
motion_model string Gausian Type name for Motion model.


motion_alpha1 float 0.01 Parameter of motion_model.


motion_alpha2 float 0.05729 Parameter of motion_model.


motion_alpha3 float 0.01745 Parameter of motion_model.


motion_alpha4 float 0.05 Parameter of motion_model.


motion_std_XY float 0.01 Parameter for Motion model.
if motion_model is Gausian, this is Sigma_min
if motion_model is Thrun, this is additional noise parameter.
motion_std_PHI float 0.003490 Parameter for Motion model.
if motion_model is Gausian, this is Sigma_min
if motion_model is Thrun, this is additional noise parameter.
LM_likelihoodMethod string lmLikelihoodField_Thrun The selected method to compute an observation likelihood.


LM_enableLikelihoodCache string true Enables the usage of a cache of likelihood values (for LF methods), if set to true (default=true).
LM_LF_decimation int 5 [LikelihoodField] The laser range “sigma” used in computations; Default value = 0.35
LM_LF_stdHit float 0.35 The laser range “sigma” used in computations; Default value = 0.35
LM_LF_zRandom float 0.05 Ratios of the hit/random components of the likelihood; Default values=0.05
LM_LF_alternateAverageMethod string false Set this to “true” ot use an alternative method, where the likelihood of the whole range scan is computed by “averaging” of individual ranges, instead of by the “product”. Default = false
LM_LF_zHit float 0.95 Ratios of the hit/random components of the likelihood; Default values=0.95
LM_LF_maxCorrsDistance float 0.3 The max. distance for searching correspondences around each sensed point default 0.3
LM_LF_maxRange float 81 meter The max. range of the sensor (def=81meters)
LM_MI_exponent float 2.5 The exponent in the MI likelihood computation. Default value = 2.5
LM_MI_ratio_max_distance float 1.5 [MI] The ratio for the max. distance used in the MI computation and in the insertion of scans, e.g. if set to 2.0 the MI will use twice the distance that the update distance. def=1.5
LM_MI_skip_rays float 10 The scan rays decimation: at every N rays, one will be used to compute the MI: def=10
LM_consensus_pow float 5 The power factor for the likelihood (default=5)
LM_consensus_takeEachRange int 1 The down-sample ratio of ranges (default=1, consider all the ranges)
LM_rayTracing_stdHit float 1.0 [rayTracing] The laser range sigma. def=1.0
LM_rayTracing_decimation int 10 One out of “rayTracing_decimation” rays will be simulated and compared only: set to 1 to use all the sensed ranges. def=10
LM_rayTracing_useDistanceFilter string true If true (default), the rayTracing method will ignore measured ranges shorter than the simulated ones.
PF_algorithm string pfStandardProposal Sequential Importance Resampling – SIR (pfStandardProposal)
Standard proposal distribution + weights according to likelihood function.
Auxiliary Particle Filter – APF (pfAuxiliaryPFStandard)
This method was introduced by Pitt and Shephard in 1999 [1]
Optimal Sampling (pfOptimalProposal)
Use the exact optimal proposal distribution (where available!, usually this will perform approximations). In the case of the RBPF-SLAM implementation, this method follows [2]
Approximate Optimal Sampling (pfAuxiliaryPFOptimal)
Use the optimal proposal and a auxiliary particle filter (see paper [3] ).
See : http://www.mrpt.org/tutorials/programming/statistics-and-bayes-filtering/particle_filter_algorithms/
PF_resamplingMethod string prMultinomial Setting of resampling method.

See: http://www.mrpt.org/tutorials/programming/statistics-and-bayes-filtering/resampling_schemes/

PF_BETA float 0.5 The resampling of particles will be performed when ESS (in range [0,1]) < BETA (default is 0.5)
PF_powFactor float 1.0 An optional step to “smooth” dramatic changes in the observation model to affect the variance of the particle weights, eg weight*=likelihood^powFactor (default=1 = no effects).
PF_sampleSize string 1 The initial number of particles in the filter (it can change only if adaptiveSampleSize=true) (default=1)
PF_adaptiveSampleSize string true A flag that indicates whether the CParticleFilterCapable object should perform adative sample size (default=true).
PF_max_loglikelihood_dyn_range double 15 Only for PF_algorithm=pfAuxiliaryPFOptimal: If a given particle has a max_likelihood (from the a-priori estimate) below the maximum from all the samples – This is done to assure that the rejection sampling doesn’t get stuck in an infinite loop trying to get an acceptable sample. Default = 15 (in logarithmic likelihood)
PF_AuxFilterOptimal_MaximumSearchSamples int 100 In the algorithm “CParticleFilter::pfAuxiliaryPFOptimal” (and in “CParticleFilter::pfAuxiliaryPFStandard” only if pfAuxFilterStandard_FirstStageWeightsMonteCarlo = true) the number of samples for searching the maximum likelihood value and also to estimate the “first stage weights” (see papers!) (default=100)
PF_AuxFilterStandard_FirstStageWeightsMonteCarlo string false Only for PF_algorithm==pfAuxiliaryPFStandard: If false, the APF will predict the first stage weights just at the mean of the prior of the next time step. If true, these weights will be estimated as described in the papers for the “pfAuxiliaryPFOptimal” method, i.e. through a monte carlo simulation. In that case, “pfAuxFilterOptimal_MaximumSearchSamples” is the number of MC samples used.
PF_AuxFilterOptimal_MLE string false (Default=false) In the algorithm “CParticleFilter::pfAuxiliaryPFOptimal”, if set to true, do not perform rejection sampling, but just the most-likely (ML) particle found in the preliminary weight-determination stage.
KLD_binSize_PHI float 0.01 Parameters for the KLD adaptive sample size algorithm (see Dieter Fox’s papers)
KLD_binSize_XY float 0.01 Parameters for the KLD adaptive sample size algorithm (see Dieter Fox’s papers)
KLD_delta float 0.02 Parameters for the KLD adaptive sample size algorithm (see Dieter Fox’s papers)
KLD_epsilon float 0.02 Parameters for the KLD adaptive sample size algorithm (see Dieter Fox’s papers)
KLD_maxSampleSize int 1000 Parameters for the KLD adaptive sample size algorithm (see Dieter Fox’s papers)
KLD_minSampleSize int 150 Parameters for the KLD adaptive sample size algorithm (see Dieter Fox’s papers)
KLD_minSamplesPerBin double 0 Parameters for the KLD adaptive sample size algorithm (see Dieter Fox’s papers)

How To Build


$ git clone https://github.com/sugarsweetrobotics/Localization_MRPT.git $ cd Localization_MRPT $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake ../ $ make


Download ZIP file from the website, and use CMake to generate VC2010 project. Then, open the project and build it.

How To Build in wasanbon

  $ wasanbon-admin.py package create Localization_MRPT_test_project # You can also use other preinstalled package 
  $ wasanbon-cd Localization_MRPT_test_project
  $ ./mgr.py repository clone Localization_MRPT
  $ ./mgr.py rtc build Localization_MRPT
  $ ./mgr.py rtc run Localization_MRPT # To Run RTC

Profile Status

Not available

Build Status

Build in Windows

Not available

Build in OSX

Not available

Build in Linux

Not available




Localization MRPT Component









[‘win’, ‘ubuntu’]

Data In Ports

Name Type Unit Description
range RTC::RangeData
odometry RTC::TimedPose2D

Data Out Ports

Name Type Unit Description
estimatedPose RTC::TimedPose2D

Service Ports


Name Direction Type Description
mapServer Required RTC::OGMapServer


Name Type Default Unit Description
min_x float -0.01
max_x float 0.01
min_y float -0.01
max_y float 0.01
min_phi float -0.01
max_phi float 0.01
range_min float 0.3
range_max float 10
gausianModel_minStdXY float 0.01
gausianModel_minStdPHI float 0.01
KLD_binSize_PHI float 0.01
KLD_binSize_XY float 0.01
KLD_delta float 0.02
KLD_epsilon float 0.02
KLD_maxSampleSize int 1000
KLD_minSampleSize int 150
KLD_minSamplesPerBin double 0
adaptiveSampleSize bool 1
pfAuxFilterOptimal_MaximumSearchSamples int 10
BETA double 0.5
sampleSize int 1
poseTimeOut float 3.0
rayTracing_stdHit string 0.30
rayTracing_useDistanceFilter string 0
mapAltitude string 0
MI_skip_rays string 10
particles_count string 1000
rayTracing_decimation string 10
occupancyGrid_count string 1
maxDistanceInsertion string 15
LF_stdHit string 0.20
LF_maxRange string 80
wideningBeamsWithDistance string 0
maxOccupancyUpdateCertainty string 0.55
considerInvalidRangesAsFreeSpace string 1
LF_decimation string 20
resamplingMethod string prMultinomials
CFD_features_median_size string 3.0
MI_exponent string 10
horizontalTolerance string 0.000873
consensus_takeEachRange string 30
MI_ratio_max_distance string 2
useMapAltitude string 0
LF_maxCorrsDistance string 0.30
PF_algorithm string pfStandardProposal
likelihoodMethod string 4
consensus_pow string 1
decimation string 1
LF_alternateAverageMethod string 0
enableLikelihoodCache string 1
LF_zRandom string 0.05
LF_zHit string 0.95
CFD_features_gaussian_size string 1.0

How To Build


$ git clone https://github.com/sugarsweetrobotics/Localization_MRPT.git $ cd Localization_MRPT $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake ../ $ make


Download ZIP file from the website, and use CMake to generate VC2010 project. Then, open the project and build it.

How To Build in wasanbon

  $ wasanbon-admin.py package create Localization_MRPT_test_project # You can also use other preinstalled package 
  $ wasanbon-cd Localization_MRPT_test_project
  $ ./mgr.py rtc clone Localization_MRPT
  $ ./mgr.py rtc build Localization_MRPT
  $ ./mgr.py rtc run Localization_MRPT # To Run RTC

Profile Status

Not available

Build Status

Build in Windows

Not available

Build in OSX

Not available

Build in Linux

Not available


Sugar Sweet Robotics